Join CFC for a jam-packed week of wellness based activities, featuring special guests! 100% of the proceeds from this fundraiser will go towards the charity’s efforts, and you can have access to the entire week for only $20!
View The Wellness Week EventAll events, free or paid, require sign up in advance to receive the Zoom link. Please use our Wellness Week Event Sign Up Form.
Wellness Week Event Sign Up formCrafting For a Cure is excited to announce our newest segment, Crafting Conversations! Every Friday at 11:30AM EST, we are hosting a new and incredible guest speaker LIVE via Zoom. These speakers are highly respected professionals in their fields, and we are honored to have them speak with us!
Stay tuned for this weeks guest speaker, you won't want to miss it!
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2. Check the box to share your mailing address with Crafting For a Cure.
Please ensure the above fields are filled in so that we can get in contact with you to arrange for an e-card or physical card to be sent to a person of your choosing. If this is not needed the donation can be made without any specific information.
Hartley’s talent for self expression can be a great force in this world.
Hartley’s talent for self expression can be a great force in this world.
The Buddha once said “It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.” a quote that amongst others about tranquility, peace, and kindness can describe the work done by Crafting for a Cure. Crafting for a Cure in its innate value focuses on the light of a singular moment, an important moment, in fact, the most important moment; the present. The present is a crucial piece of our existence. It can be found in the midst of an illness, or in a routine check up. The present isn’t always a nice place to be, it can be anxious, especially in those scenarios. However, that stress can simply be cured by the work of the hand; paint, colour, beading, you name it.
To begin, my experiences with Crafting for a Cure began in grade seven, when I had just moved schools and a new friend of mine invited me over to make bracelets for her mother’s Charity. At the time, I knew absolutely nothing about Crafting for a Cure, but after crafting and listening to my friend’s mother, Pamela Bielak, explain why Crafting for a Cure was created, and how easy it was to get involved, even at just 12 years old, I knew I had to get started immediately.
For anyone who has not heard of Crafting for a Cure, I would like to take this opportunity to introduce you to this outstanding charity I have been supporting and raising funds for their annual Kilometers for Kids (K for K) walkathon since I was 7 years old. I would also like to introduce its President, Mrs. Pamela Bielak, affectionately known as Mrs. B, who is the heart and soul of this charity.